The past few days have highlighted the important work that remains before Parties can reach consensus on most issues in the ADP. However, there is unanimous support for one concept – transparency. In fact, most Parties mentioned it in their interventions.
Several Parties have made a strong case for transparency’s multiple virtues. Indeed, some appear to see this as a silver bullet for the new agreement that puts us on a path towards limiting global warming to below 2°C. But while ECO strongly believe in the value of transparency, it is only one way to support the substance of commitment and action.
During the ex-ante review, elements of transparency should enable the review of the adequacy of individual pledges and promote ambition. At the implementation stage, it should serve as the basis for MRV and motivate the full implementation of countries’ commitments.
To help Parties to articulate processes most conducive to transparency, ECO would like to offer some suggestions:
If Parties expect such a strong role for transparency – as opposed to more robust means of accountability – then these processes build on reliable and objective information. Considering their unique expertise and practical experience, observers must be invited to provide complementary information. Doing so will contribute to understanding of the significance of the pledges tabled by Parties. Such an exchange will only contribute to trust if Parties address all questions put forward.
Additionally, the draft decision foresees the organisation of workshops in June next year to contribute to «enhancing the clarity, transparency and understanding of the aggregate effect of the INDCs.» Again, for these workshops to achieve such ambitious objectives, observers must be invited to participate actively.
Civil society, including research institutions and non-governmental organisations, has a wealth of relevant information and stands ready to fully support the transparency endeavor. ECO trusts that Parties won’t want to exclude them from contributing to this crucial process.