The Proverb of the Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA)

In the rich tapestry of African wisdom, proverbs have long been used to convey complex ideas through simple, powerful metaphors. Let’s explore the critical need for a strong Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA) framework through the lens of an African proverb:

“As the baobab tree stands sturdy, branching towards the sky, so must our GGA framework be – robust and reaching high.”

Just as a baobab tree supports many branches with its vast and sturdy trunk, a strong GGA framework must support a range of actions and goals. A tree without roots cannot stand – just as a framework without robust support and targets, including Means of Implementation (MoIs), is incomplete. Like a tree that grows but bears no fruit, a framework with targets but no metrics to measure progress also fails to fulfil its purpose.

We find ourselves at a crossroads, much like a traveller at the edge of the savannah, with a narrow path leading to 2040. This path is our opportunity to adapt at all levels with the scale and urgency required. Our GGA framework must be like a well-planned journey – purposeful, principled, covering all dimensions and themes, and mindful of the cross-cutting issues that intertwine like the roots of the great baobab.

In African wisdom, less action is likened to less rain for the crops: the less we adapt, the more we risk crossing the limits of adaptation, leading to irreparable loss and damage. A robust GGA framework helps protect us from harsh winds of change. But, the stark reality of the adaptation finance gap looms over us like a dry season threatening our harvest. The need for financial support is as crucial as the need for rain in a drought. 

ECO’s message resonates strong and clear like the beat of the djembe drum: The GGA framework is a tool for all – communities, parties, stakeholders – to enhance our collective capacity. Without it, we risk not fulfilling the Paris Agreement, akin to a fisherman who ventures out to sea without fixing the holes in his net. Like the village elders offering advice and wisdom, the GGA embodies climate multilateralism, listening to and providing solutions for the most vulnerable The GGA helps form a  larger tapestry, weaving into the threads of other international agreements and initiatives.

Developing and implementing the GGA framework must be ambitious and accelerated. It is a collective process of learning and adapting, much like the communal sharing of stories and wisdom under the baobab tree. This journey is not just about reaching a destination, but about strengthening the trust and unity in our global village as we face the challenges of climate change together.