Where is Mitigation Waldo?

ECO is on a search. The second week of SB60 has started and Mitigation Waldo is still at large. Of course, hiding well is in Waldo’s nature. But this time the stakes are high. Because Mitigation Waldo is key to delivering on the Paris Agreement through stronger NDCs.

ECO has looked all over SB60. Naturally, we started with the Mitigation Work Programme (MWP) since it has mitigation in its title. But will the MWP deliver on its mandate to enhance pre-2030 mitigation ambition and implementation? It seems not. At first, ECO was happy to see many Parties expressing their wish to make use of the MWP space to follow up on mitigation elements from the GST, like the transition away from fossil fuels or halting and reversing deforestation. But two Party groupings emphasised that the mandate of the MWP is to hold dialogues only, not to talk actual mitigation. That’s when we realised Mitigation Waldo wouldn’t be hanging around here. He’d also be wondering if, in the face of escalating impacts, the world can afford yet another talk shop with no concrete outcomes. 

ECO then turned to the follow-up processes embedded within the GST, starting with the Annual GST Dialogue. This Dialogue had a promising start, with rich presentations on how the GST outcome could feature in NDCs. Unfortunately, it then turned into another platform for tedious statements. ECO is not convinced that such a format contributes to raising mitigation ambition in line with the 1.5°C limit. Finding no trace of Mitigation Waldo here, ECO urges parties to come up with a clear view on how the GST outcome is followed up with equity and justice in all its dimensions.

Desperately, ECO then turned to the COP Presidency Troika to ask for clarity on the Mission 1.5 and how that relates to mitigation. Dear Troika, can you explain to us what those 1.5°C aligned NDCs look like? 

ECO is grateful for any hint on where Mitigation Waldo might be hiding in SB60. We need to deliver on mitigation at COP 29 – and that will be impossible if we can’t find him in Bonn this week.