In Paris, civil society was thrilled to note Parties’ commitment to promote climate education, public participation, public access to information, as well as public awareness and training.
Since the 2012-2020 Doha Work Programme on Article 6, Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE), is subject to a review at this session, ECO came to Bonn looking forward to engaging with Parties in identifying practical proposals to ensure enhanced implementation.
Considering the mandate provided by the Paris Agreement, ECO knows that Parties don’t want to leave Bonn having only taken stock of activities over the past four years, without a more forward-looking vision. The dictionary could hardly be less ambiguous about this: enhance: VERB – «to increase or improve (something)”. This a review we’re certain Parties can earn high marks for if they work hard.
If there were any doubts about how to look beyond current activities, ECO has an ace or two up its sleeve for Parties’ consideration:
1. Break down the silos: ensure the elements of the Doha Work Programme are integrated across all areas of work under the Convention–refocusing the annual in-session dialogues, for instance, could help strengthen the linkages between ACE and other policy areas.
2. Strengthen work on the ground: the Doha Work Programme should learn from its predecessors–the New Delhi Work Programmes–and enhance the engagement of stakeholders and government experts through regional workshops. It’s great that at least 95 countries have nominated national focal points on Article 6! The ongoing review could send a strong signal to encourage these key people to better connect with civil society and experts, to play a more pivotal role.
3. Deliver for all: the dialogues organised earlier this week provided very convincing arguments on why it is important that all members of civil society benefit from the elements of Article 6, and some impressive examples of good practices. The second phase could focus on how it could effectively benefit all stakeholders.
These action should not be an ace in hole, kept in reserve. They represent a needed link between government and civil society action.