Adaptation – A house of cards

ECO would like to keep this intervention brief.

ECO feels that the Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA) has become a house of cards. Let’s list the issues that have dividedParties:

  • The lack of consensus on who will lead the mapping of the indicators of the UAE-Belem Work Programme;
  • The voluntary aspect of reporting on indicators;
  • The importance of data readiness for developing countries is not stressed enough;
  • And the cherry on top, the failure to include indicators relevant to means of implementation (MoI).

Without the above, the GGA is wobbly, and at risk of collapsing like a house of cards at the first sign of a breeze.

ECO would like to remind all Parties of the mandate of Decision 2/CMA 5 (para 24 and 32)on the effective operationalisation of the UAE Framework for Global Climate Resilience, which depends entirely on the provision of means of implementation, specifically adaptation finance. ECO cannot help but scoff at the notion expressed by some Parties that MoI does not fall within the mandate of the framework, when in truth it is the backbone that would ensure the GGA’s feasibility. And the work programme on indicator identification and development is crucial to breaking the lax, business-as-usual approach to adaptation in the UNFCCC.

Even the co-facilitator broke their silence in the face of this shenanigans, stating that GGA cannot happen without MoI. Any more delays in the process to enhance long-term adaptation action and support pose an existential threat to developing countries and island states. With the window for adaptation rapidly closing, Parties should do their utmost to keep that house of cards intact.