Come Dancing At The MWP Disco!

On Tuesday ECO unexpectedly ended up in the MWP disco, an exclusive party for lovers of Mitigation Ambition and Implementation. The music was on but the room was too small and the bar was not serving drinks. The disco soon became so full that it was impossible to move and observers had to leave the room to make some space. ECO loves to dance and tried again to join the party on Wednesday. This time the disco was bigger and the music was better. But ECO saw that your dancing was uncoordinated and a little help is needed to help you synchronize, so here are some Mitigation Ambition and Implementation dance tips:

  • The MWP should result in sound technical work and outputs, but this should also lead to actions and decisions which actually make a real-world difference to stay below that all important 1.5°C limit. The outcomes should reflect the principles of equity and justice, as well as common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities. There should be a clear balance between ambition and implementation discussions, to ensure a focus not only on targets but also addressing policies and measures for implementation of NDCs – and going beyond NDCs.
  • The objective of the work programme should be to enhance the ambition and implementation of Parties’ efforts to deliver global aggregate emissions reductions of at least 43% by 2030 compared to 2019 levels in order to be in line with limiting global warming to 1.5°C.
  • The roundtables during the High Level ministerial will offer a political check-in for Parties on strengthening and revisiting NDCs, and progress on implementation, including the provision of means of implementation.
  • Technical dialogues can be organized on sectoral mitigation approaches, barriers and solutions. This is supported by the Glasgow Climate Pact’s provisions on phasing down coal, phasing out subsidies to fossil fuels, just transition, tackling other GHGs such as methane, and protecting ecosystems.
  • For those asking how can you have an MWP disco without people?! The MWP should be a people centered dialogue, respecting the critical role of Indigenous knowledge, justice and equity in the delivery of ambitious mitigation and implementation action.
  • Parties should try to incorporate new moves (tools) to deliver on the objectives set by the Glasgow Climate Pact and implementation of NDCs and commitments such as the Global Methane Pledge, Glasgow Forest Declaration, Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance and Breakthroughs – facilitating delivery and implementation of signatories.

ECO will see how well you have learnt to dance by assessing your progressive moves through for instance an invitation to Parties to present implementation plans and sectoral decarbonization plans, and the reflection of sectoral commitments in NDCs and LTS synthesis report.

The MWP disco will be complementary to and coordinate with discos around the block on scaling up mitigation and implementation including the Global Stocktake, SDGs and more.

ECO suggests keeping the MWP disco going till 2030.

Now that you know the moves, you can give it your all on the floor on Tuesday! ECO can’t wait to dance!