Don’t Miss the Global Stocktake’s Road to Action

ECO welcomes the first technical dialogue of the Global Stocktake. It is not often that such a UNFCCC technical process uses a format that fosters meaningful discussions, rather than just hearing statements. Co-designing the GST process and its inputs was the main demand of several UNFCCC constituencies, and ECO is happy that our words have been heard.

ECO is excited to participate in today’s opening plenary for the GST, and to be part of the so-called Roundtables, and the “World Café,” and all the events around the technical dialogue in the coming days. ECO is hoping to have meaningful discussions with Parties on the precise gaps we are facing in mitigation, adaptation, finance (including for loss and damage), equity, respect for Indigenous and human rights, protection and restoration of ecosystems and all other relevant topics to the Paris Agreement. ECO knows that Parties need no reminder that equity and human rights are both critical and not the same thing. Both must be actively and explicitly addressed in the Global Stocktake. This should come as no surprise to Parties. Indeed, all Parties have long-standing human rights obligations, as reflected in the Paris Agreement.

We all already know that we are not on track for 1.5°C. This technical dialogue is an important opportunity to bring solutions to the table and identify the best and fastest measures to meet the Paris goals. Both sector-specific and forward-looking exchanges during the dialogue will be great inputs for the political discussions that are still to come in the next Joint Contact Group of the Global Stocktake.

However, ECO wishes to issue a friendly reminder to our readers: during the technical dialogue, Parties and Observers should not forget an important question: “Why are we meeting today?” Because this is not just a technical exercise in the UNFCCC sphere nor an academic exchange of views. The technical dialogue is determining the content of the output phase of the Global Stocktake. A great deal hangs on this output. It must ensure that we conduct the best assessment of how the Paris Agreement, including its broader societal objectives, is being implemented worldwide, and how to do it faster.

The ultimate goal of the Global Stocktake is to deliver needed increases in ambition to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement, to protect people and ecosystems from the impacts of climate change. This means delivering increased action, including mitigation to stop worsening climate change, adaptation for communities and ecosystems facing impacts or addressing loss and damage to achieve climate justice. Meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement is only possible when all countries contribute their fair share of the burden to support global action and transformation. This is the only way to ensure the safety of people and the ecosystems of the planet.

And frankly, the opportunity for a course correction the GST offers is badly needed. The current NDC cycle is not working well. Not only are parties not meeting their current climate targets, those targets aren’t aligned with the 1.5°C goal. Therefore the Global Stocktake, and its technical phase with these dialogues, is a critical, can’t-afford-to-miss opportunity to fix this cycle and ensure the world meets the goals of the Paris Agreement. 

Time is not on our side, but it’s not too late. The IPCC is clear: we have but a few years to shift to a 1.5°C society. Today, and over the coming days at the Global Stocktake Roundtables, let us keep this in mind and not miss this opportunity to spur action, NOW!