100% Renewable, 100% Financeable

ECO has a nasty stomach ache after eating a weird sandwich called Global Decarbonization Accelerator. The cucumber variety known as the Renewable Energy pledge was all right, but would be so much tastier if properly seasoned!

ECO checked its temperature with the Renewable Energy Tracker and found that all countries are not on track with achieving 100% renewable energy across all sectors, nor are there any real renewable energy champions. Even developed countries are not living up to their responsibilities.  
So how can the chef make a better sandwich? ECO suggests that on top of the “tripled-renewable-electricity-capacity” lettuce variety, the chef triples the tomatoes across all sectors not just electricity. ECO also suggests that the chef checks that the expiry date of the ranch dressing goes beyond the year 2030, and until we globally achieve 100% renewable-energy systems.  

ECO also suggests that the sandwich is grilled in a manner that is efficient, just, equitable, democratic, inclusive and respectful of people and ecosystems. Local, decentralized and community-owned solutions will be key and will not only make the sandwich tastier, but healthier as well: from energy access to reduced air pollutants and jobs, the benefits of a perfect grill are endless!

ECO also knows that everyone has different tastes, so it suggests the addition of a special sauce for developed countries called ‘Equity’. It can be found in every Paris-aligned shop. Not only should developed countries reach 100% renewable-based systems earlier but should also provide significantly enhanced financial support to developing countries. Without finance, there will be no full, fast, fair and funded phase-out of all fossil fuels, and neither will there be a just and rapid transition to 100% renewable energy systems.