Time to Sprint to Finish Line of GST Marathon

The GST has been an intense two-year marathon, with hours spent in technical dialogues and thousands of submissions. Finally we are in the home stretch of the race here at COP28.

Halfway through the marathon, at the intersessionals in Bonn, huge divergences emerged that required time to be discussed, time that is needed to win the race and get an ambitious outcome. But the presidency did not see it this way and organised only a single workshop on the way to Dubai. The price is now being paid by delegates who spend hours in informal meetings, repeating positions and lacking crucial time for bilateral discussions to overcome divergences. That increases pressure on the presidency to bring Parties to a consensus in the second week – a consensus that takes into account the urgency in this critical decade. The GST has to conclude with a strong assessment of the existing gaps in climate ambition and with clear guidance for how to correct the current trajectory.

ECO is concerned that instead of sprinting towards the finish line to win the prize of a strong and ambitious GST decision for enhanced climate action, Parties are getting bogged down in deep divergences. These divergences, ranging from the relationship between the Paris Agreement and the UNFCCC to the implications of equity and the need to scale up finance to developing countries are hurdles that are hindering Parties from sprinting to the finish line of the GST marathon. ECO is also astonished that some Parties are reluctant to go beyond acknowledging the GST Technical Dialogue Synthesis Report in the GST decision, even though it has been a key checkpoint in the marathon thus far.

ECO is equally concerned that some Parties are still not pushing for a phase-out of fossil fuels but insist on continuing to extract and burn fossil fuels, like runners poisoning their lungs with cigarettes. ECO is surprised that at a COP that highlights the interlinkages of health and climate change, there are still Parties that cannot give up the unhealthy addiction to fossil fuels. 

ECO would like to invite the UAE Presidency to play the role of an active coach and provide all the support needed to help Parties bridge their divergences so they can sprint to the finish line. ECO also urges the UAE Presidency to show leadership and help Parties kick their addiction to fossil fuels. ECO hopes the UAE Presidency and Parties will seize the opportunity to win the GST marathon at COP28. Otherwise the gold medal of a strong and ambitious GST outcome risks melting away in the escalating climate crisis.