Leaders, Quit Fossil Fuels – Your Prescription for Global Health

Hey, world leaders, listen up! We’ve got a planet SOS on our hands, and it’s time to kick fossil fuels to the curb like yesterday’s fashion faux pas. Our health is on the line!

ECO is blowing the whistle on the dirty secret of fossil fuels – they’re making us sick! Respiratory crises, heart attacks, and a host of health hazards are on the menu. Time to swap the smog for clean energy and give our lungs a breather. Fossil fuelled fatalities hit vulnerable communities hardest. It’s time to rewrite the script and ensure everyone gets a fair share of clean air. 

Healthy just transitions and renewable energy are enablers to create quality jobs, innovation, and poverty reduction – which also boosts good health. And by the way, CCS, geoengineering and other dangerous distractions do good for no one – they won’t solve the multitude of health issues at every step from fossil fuels. Likewise, unjust extraction of critical minerals repeats the same errors of fossil fuel dependence, and large-scale bioenergy only trades one polluting fuel for another.

Some Parties are already on the right renewables train, waving goodbye to fossil fuel follies and investing in a cleaner, brighter, healthier future backed by cities, scientists, and businesses. 

It’s not just a trend; it’s a survival strategy!

The clock is ticking, and the world needs leaders who are not afraid to make bold moves. December 3rd may be the first-ever Health Day, but there’s no guarantee of a healthy 2024 unless COP28 negotiations deliver progress on a fossil fuel phase-out. The time to act is now. Delay is a death sentence. Step up, leaders – the planet and its people are counting on you.