Ready to End Dodgy Deals (REDD+)

Do you ever feel some countries sound like a broken record? Yesterday, ECO had that feeling…

Once again, some countries have been pushing to include REDD+ under the Article 6.2 mechanism in the cover decision text. But old REDD+ credits aren’t new ITMOs, and no exceptions should be made for skipping the reporting and review process.

ECO wants to join the broken record party with this old tune: “♫ Just because … you have a license to drive a car… doesn’t mean… you can drive a plane…♫”. And it looks like some new countries also want to jump in that plane!

ECO also knows that additionality and permanence for avoided deforestation are hard to prove, and that the climate crisis makes permanence dodgy at best. So, here’s a new song for you:

“REDD, REDD whine, it’s up to you,
All I can do, I’ve done
Memories won’t go, memories won’t go

…. please let me be alone,
It’s tearing apart ambition in article 6”.