MWP Choir

It’s the MWP choir and ECO is concerned that Parties are not singing in tune. Your time for rehearsal is almost over. ECO is curious to ask Parties — what is the outcome you want from the MWP? Be honest, do you want it to be a talk shop? It didn’t seem so during the High-Level Ministerial Roundtable on pre-2030 ambition when many Ministers sang to the pitch of keeping 1.5°C alive. You spoke about urgency and the need for means of implementation. We also heard about an annual report to be presented to Ministers which would then be presented to the CMA. This was music to our ears! In order to deliver the necessary reduction, the process must; lead to recommendations for implementation, make available incentives, and report on its achieved reductions. In the end, the success of the MWP must be visible on the annual synthesis report you agreed to in Glasgow (CMA para 30)! This political signal will enable you to rise up to the ambition we need for a climate safe world for all. So, what is stopping you?

We heard from Japan, Chile, Bangladesh, Argentina, the EU, UK, Bolivia, and more…that the MWP can lead to incentives and opportunities to create ambition. Mitigation is not a burden, it is clearly an opportunity. And this tune is in harmony with 1.5°C.