Cheat Sheet for Putting Us on the Path to a Safe, Just Climate Future Ambition Mechanism

Ambition Mechanism To Keep! Look at INDCs in 2019/20 (paras 20, 23, 24) with 5 yearly stocktaking of actions (Art. 10) Submission of new NDC every five years on common timeframes from 2030 (Article 3.8 and 3.9) with no backsliding (Art. 3.3) and each new NDC “should” be a progression over the  previous one (Articles 3.6) To Be Improved! Delete “in the period after 2025 and 2030”; current INDCs need to be improved (para 17) Facilitative dialogue (para 20) to happen in 2018 to give clear guidance on scaling up INDCs. Parties to revisit and revise upwards their 2030 targets … Continue reading Cheat Sheet for Putting Us on the Path to a Safe, Just Climate Future Ambition Mechanism