Categoria: Previous Issues

ECO 2, COP26, Glasgow, November 2021 – THE FOSSIL OF THE DAY IS BACK ISSUE

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  1. The Good, the Bad & the Ugly: Climate In the G20 Leaders’ Communiqué
  2. Hey Guilbeault! It’s Your Old Friend, ECO
  3. Brazil’s NDC Magic: How To Increase Ambition Without Decreasing Emissions
  4. Will COP26 Decisions Recognise Nature’s Essential Role In Achieving 1.5 And a Resilient Future For All?
  5. It Always Seems Impossible Until It’s Done
  6. It’s Not Just Bolivia Who Wants Non-Market Approaches. ECO Does Too!
  7. Fossil of the Day
  8. Nothing About Us Without Us: Indigenous Peoples With Disability Must Be Centred In Emerging Disability Constituency
 … or read this ECO as a pdf

ECO 6, Virtual SBs, June 2021 – The Double Whammy Issue

Climate change and Pandemic – India devastated by double whammy!

On the same day the country confirmed its highest-ever daily death toll from COVID-19, confirmed 4,329 deaths from COVID-19, it was also hit by a deadly storm.  On May 18 2021, Cyclone Tauktae barreled into India’s west coast overnight packing wind gusts of up to 130 miles per hour — some of the strongest on record — and slammed into the coastal region of Gujarat, already one of the areas hardest hit by the coronavirus pandemic, uprooting trees, felling power lines and destroying homes and crops. More than 200,000 people were evacuated from their homes in the western state of Gujarat. Hundreds of COVID-19 patients were also shifted from coastal wards in Mumbai to other hospitals farther inland.

Only a year ago, during the first wave of SARS-CoV-2, West Bengal was battered by Amphan, formed over the Bay of Bengal on the East coast of India. Right after that Cyclone Nisarga devastated Maharashtra on west coast, followed by Nivar that hit Puducherry on the east coast. In the last four years, pre-monsoon cyclones over the Arabian Sea have become common.

The Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal have been heating up due to climate change.
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ECO 5, Virtual SBs, June 2021 – The COP26 in Space Issue

BREAKING: COP26 will take place in space

ECO has heard COP26 will be held in space so we can escape the pandemic! Forget about electric buses. Elon Musk and SpaceX will be special sponsors and ensure equitable participation of all parties and observers. It’s clear: Aerosols don’t spread as fast in empty space… ECO heard. And if there is a COVID outbreak, delegates can simply be denied access to Earth until they recover. Easy! But, no, wait… maybe that’s just a rumour. We would not want to speculate.

At the same time, ECO also heard that this year’s COP26 is going to take place in Glasgow (on Earth) and the usual gift and freebies basket for delegates will include COP-themed masks and some Vitamin C pills and a ginger shot to boost your immune system – after all, there is a pandemic. ECO cannot wait.

On a serious note., ECO only feels comfortable sharing these rumours because they are obviously silly. You get the point, dear delegates and UK Presidency: The lack of clarity is fertile ground for speculation and rumours, making it hard to trust the process. And trust is the very foundation of any multilateral process. The lack of clarity also makes it also hard to plan – for visas, hotels, budgets, the effective participation of those most impacted by the climate crisis, and more.
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ECO 4, Virtual SBs, June 2021 – The Connecting the Dots Issue

The challenge of connecting the dots

Dear Delegates,

ECO has done some more research on the human brain and psychology. How do we approach solving complex problems? How are our brains wired, when we are, again and again confronted with … the same old, complicated challenge such as finding solutions to common timeframes, market mechanisms or how to fulfill a 10-year old commitment? And how do we ensure progress rather than getting stuck in detail or old solutions that do not work?

ECO is relieved to report that there is hope! Our brain muscles are flexible! Hurray! ECO was fearing our brains are rigid and only work on autopilot! This is not the case. You can come up with new discussions and new solutions. Going forward you don’t need to repeat the same agenda items, but you can add new ones to improve the balance and open up the game to all players. Which reminds ECO of the fact that not all of the sessions are open to observers yet – parts of the game are still not transparent! Good job on all those that supported observer calls on this.

But ECO would like to bring you back to finding a way forward – out of the detail and into the serious business of preparing for the way forward – the road to COP26.
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ECO 3, Virtual SBs, June 2021 – The Fashion Issue

Dress Up!

Dear Delegates,

ECO is sure over the past year of zoom sessions, delegates must also have seen some people joining videos all dressed up for the camera while still wearing their pyjama shorts. Given the time in the day these sessions take place such an outfit only seems fitting – ECO applauds all the individual efforts of hard-working delegates and observers!

 And ECO has heard about scientists studying links between clothes and brain activity. They found dressing up for work can improve your productivity – hearing the discussions in some sessions like the one on reporting tables for NDCs ECO has been wondering if we are witnessing a huge virtual pyjama party where delegates are half-asleep when questioning if the summary table of NDC reporting should in fact be …a table??!

In truth ECO couldn’t care less about anyone’s clothes and wants to turn to some more serious matters: The (im)balance in the wardrobe: If you have 100 shirts it does not make sense to go only one pair of underwear and a lonely sock. ECO fears it’s also not convincing if you say eventually later you get some more socks. Similarly, ECO heard many parties flagging the imbalance of the agenda – in particular finance and loss and damage are sidelined at this virtual SB.
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ECO 2, Virtual SBs, June 2021 – The Matrix Reloaded Issue

The Matrix continued – entering virtual reality, exiting, re-entering and getting shut out

Dear Delegates,

What a virtual Party this is – seeing friends via video screen in their homes in their countries of origin at odd hours – and time flies as we have already reached the end of the first week. 

As ECO noted at the beginning of this virtual session: amazing news that this virtual session would be particularly “open, transparent, inclusive and facilitate the effective participation and engagement of observers”. ECO was getting high hopes for a truly transparent, engaging session that values the voice of civil society and other observers. But alas – similar to the movie the Matrix – ECO is now not quite sure, which reality to settle into, are we in or out? 

ECO is amused by the irony that the negotiations on transparency have now become — intransparent to observers. ECO is looking for Parties willing to provide a solid invite for observers to cross back into the virtual reality of the SB consultations – AILAC, AOSIS, Australia (whoop you got that one right, now please change the rest of your insufficient climate policies) Canada, EU, LDCs, US time to step up for transparency.
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ECO 1, Virtual SBs, June 2021 – The Matrix Issue

Welcome to the Matrix

Dear Delegates,

Did you see the Matrix? The film where humans are plugged into a virtual reality world and think it’s real. In fact, the film was actually first released on June 17! The last day of this intersessionals, 22 years ago – coincidence? Yes, ECO welcomes you to Bonn the Matrix! 

ECO read with enthusiasm the Bureau decision which set up the June-SB matrix, as an opportunity to “enhance openness, transparency, and inclusiveness, effective participation and engagement of observers”. ECO will be watching that all informal sessions are by default open to observers. However, for COP to happen in person and in an inclusive manner (some Matrix thing wont work), rich developed countries need to urgently ensure equitable access to vaccines – vaccinating a few delegates diplomats who can jump the cue ahead of frontline workers and vulnerable people does not provide the moral basis we hold this process accountable to.

Delegates! Do not forget the outside world looks to the (virtual) UNFCCC for concrete climate action. You have a choice to decide whether to make real tangible progress or to advance your own political agenda. Yes, ECO is looking at you Saudi Arabia, Brazil, and Russia.
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ECO 11, COP25, Madrid, December 2019 – THE HEED THE PEOPLE’S CALL Issue

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  1. The Long Night
  2. Get Article 6 Right Here… Or See You in Glasgow
  3. This is Supposed to be the Loss and Damage COP!
  4. Voices of the Indigenous Caucus
  5. Drawing Parallels at the Latin COP
  6. Bending the Curve for a Better World: Why Distant “Net” Zero Targets Are Not Enough to Drive the Near-Term Action We Need
  7. Och Aye the COP
  8. It’s Not Time to Say Goodbye
  9. IEA: Where’s the 1.5°C Energy Roadmap We Need?/a>
  10. Time to Act Against Undue Influence and Corruption
  11. Voices From the Front Lines
  12. NDCs <3 SDGs
  13. Two Sides of the Same Coin: A Youth Perspective on Climate and Social Crisis
  14. Solving the Climate and Biodiversity Emergencies
 … or read this ECO as a pdf